STEP 1: Bookmark this instructions page now so you don’t lose it!

This is the instructions page. When you have question, come back to this page to find the answer. After you refer a new member to COPTS through your COTPS referral link, send them here for the instructions immediately after they enroll. If you do not do that, your referral will not know what to do, and they will ask you two dozen questions and eat up all your time. This will extend their funding time and their production time by a very long time, costing you, and them, a lot of profit. The moment they’ve joined you should be sending them a text or email with a link to this page, with some message like, “Glad you’re here with us! Please go here now for exact instructions on getting started. Just follow the steps.”

STEP 2: Click the button below to Register with COTPS if you have not already done so (link will open in new tab).


Correct Referrer ID is 2361891 (jtrummp)

STEP 3: Submit the form below to add yourself to the team notifications email list.

If you have not already registered for the team notifications list via the form below please do so now. Otherwise, I will have no idea who you are or that you’ve joined. All I can see inside COTPS member area is your username. I have no contact info unless you submit this form. If you do not do this you will miss important notifications which are critical to your business. Opting to not add yourself to that mailing list is a very, very bad idea. You should also send all your referrals (those who have enrolled in COTPS via your referral link) to this page so that they can also add themselves to that team notifications list—so that you do not have to explain, and explain, and explain—and they have the instructions they need to get set up.

STEP 4: Complete your KYC (identity verification) inside your COTPS account.

Log in to your COTPS account here and submit your KYC (identity verification) documents (see video here or in the Help Videos section below), set up your Transaction Password and bind your withdrawal wallet address (if you already have a crypto wallet). If you do not yet have a crypto wallet you’ll have to bind the withdrawal wallet address later. See next step below for getting a crypto wallet if you are new to such a thing. SAVE ALL YOUR INFORMATION SUCH AS PASSWORDS, WALLET ADDRESSES, ETC. IN MULTIPLE SECURE LOCATIONS SUCH THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE THEM.

STEP 5: Set up a crypto-wallet on a crypto exchange (if you do not already have one) and fund it.

If you do not yet have a crypto wallet set up, this takes a bit of time because for a new crypto wallet account you have account verifications to do, KYC (ID verification) and you have to fund the account from your bank and this takes some steps.

You’ll want a crypto wallet when it comes time to get paid because you’ll need a destination to send your withdrawals to.

You do not necessarily need a crypto wallet in order to fund your Cryptos OTC “Recharge” wallet in order to get started.

While you are setting up your crypto wallet, 90% of you will be able to fund your COTPS account much faster by using some work-arounds that some of our teammates have discovered.

See Step 6 below for some of those work-arounds.

For those of you who do not yet have an actual crypto wallet, CoinZoom will probably be the best option to start with. You can go here to create your CoinZoom account.

CoinZoom claims to be the best wallet in the world for those sending USDT via TRC20. Cryptos OTC Trading Platform only deals is USDT sent via the TRC-20 network. You need a crypto wallet that can send and receive (withdraw and deposit) USDT via TRC-20.

Coinzoom has a fairly simple set-up process and make funding very easy using the app. CoinZoom has no limits on how much you can deposit or withdraw in USDT, no dollar limits on bank wires in or out, and you can easily sell USDT for US dollars or vice-versa. CZ is also not known for randomly closing user’s accounts, like Kraken is.

STEP 6: Fund your COTPS account.

(There are 5 videos in the Help Videos section below about funding.)

Pay attention to what the COTPS website shows you for funding. At the time of posting of these instructions, COTPS wallet can only be funded in Tether (USDT) via the TRC20 network. It’s possible COTPS could change this at some point, so don’t take my instructions here as “gospel.” Look at what the website shows you for options under “Mine” → “Recharge.”

Assuming that the COTPS website currently shows “TRC20” as the “Recharge” method, that means you need Tether (USDT) in your crypto wallet. If you are newly funding a crypto wallet, you’ll likely need to send a bank wire from your regular bank account in USD to your crypto wallet, then buy Tether with your USD inside your crypto wallet/exchange. There is likely a fee to do that.

“TRC20” is the network that is used to send a digital currency called “Tether.” Tether is also known as “USDT”.

TRC20 is not a currency or coin. It is a transfer network for Tether.

USDT is a digital currency that is pegged to the U.S. dollar so that the value of it matches very closely the value of dollars. There are a number of digital currencies which are pegged to the dollar like this. They are referred to as “stable coins” generally.

When you do your withdrawal from your crypto wallet to fund your COTPS wallet MAKE SURE YOU ARE SENDING THE CORRECT CRYPTO CURRENCY VIA THE CORRECT NETWORK.

At the time of my posting these instructions that is Tether (USDT) via the TRC 20 network.

There are other networks you can use to send Tether, but that does not mean that you can use other networks to send it to your COTPS wallet. Make sure you are using the correct network as instructed by the COTPS “Recharge” page at the time you’re sending it.

I am not liable for any losses you might incur by following my instructions here, because if COTPS changes the currency or network that they allow to fund your COTPS wallet, the instructions above could become temporarily incorrect. Always follow what the COTPS “Recharge” page tells you to use.

See videos #5 and #6 in the Help Videos section below for more help on this topic.

Faster and Easier Funding Work-Arounds:

 Using Moonpay to buy USDT (TRC-20) with credit or debit card is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get your COTPS wallet funded. The video on how to do that is here, and is also found in the Help Videos section below. Moonpay stopped offering USDT/TRC20 at some point, mid-April 2022. You can use in the same exact fashion.

 The “Walgreen’s Cash Work-Around” is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get your COTPS wallet funded. You create your CoinZoom account, install the CoinZoom Pro app, then simply walk into Walgreen’s with cash. You’ll show the people at Walgreen’s your Coin Cash bar code, give them the cash and they will send the funds to your CoinZoom wallet. The video on how to do this is here, and is also found in the Help Videos section below.

Different Walgreen’s locations may have different limits on how much you can send with one transaction. You may have to do multiple transactions to fund with higher amounts. Click here for the CoinZoom instructions on CoinZoom Cash payments.

CALL THE LOCAL WALGREEN’S BEFORE GOING THERE TO MAKE SURE THEY CAN DO THIS! There have been a few reports of people driving there and finding that no one at the Walgreen’s knew how to do this.

 The CashApp Work-Around involves buying Bitcoin with Cashapp, then using to convert that Bitcoin to USDT (TRC-20) and sending it directly to your COTPS account without all the verifications. The video on how to do this is here and is also found in the Help Videos section below. AS OF 4/26/22 FIXEDFLOAT.COM IS NOT OFFERING CONVERSION TO USDT, TRC-20. WE DO NOT KNOW WHETHER THIS IS TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT.

STEP 7: Start running order/transaction cycles manually in your COTPS member area.

Once your COTPS wallet is funded, start running order cycles manually, at least until you can get some automation set up. It’s super easy! After each cycle you will need to wait about 2 hours and 13 minutes to run the next cycle. See help videos below for more instructions and demonstration. Or you can get to the videos on running manual transaction cycles here:  Video 1  here.  Video 2  here.

If you’ve funded 500 USDT or more, and you are a member of our direct team, you can request access to our automated bot to run the cycles for you. See “Automation/Bot” section below for instructions.


STEP 8 (OPTIONAL): Automate your transaction cycles to achieve time freedom…


▶︎ OPTION 1: You can mostly-automate your clicks by using a free tool such as iMacros. There is a video in the help section below on how to do this, or you can get to it directly  here.

▶︎ OPTION 2:  Our team leader created his own automation script/bot which will log in, receive all three levels of referral commissions, then will run all the transaction cycles down to below 5.000 and will log out. You must be a member of our direct team and you must have funded your COTPS account with at least 500 USD to qualify to use this bot. MAKE SURE YOU ACCOUNT FOR TRANSACTION/TRANSFER FEES WHEN FUNDING YOUR ACCOUNT. As long as you qualify there is no charge for the automation script. Go  here to submit the request/qualification form. (You’ll need to be logged in to a Google account to see the form.)

Automation bot/script set-up instructions are  here. You will have to submit the request form via the link above and get approved before you will have access to the instructions page.

If you cannot fund at least 500 USD, you can still use COTPS to generate profits easily.* You’ll simply need to run the transaction cycles manually, which will take only about 1 minute each time, or use OPTION 1 above to automate.

Use the system to generate profit to work up to the 500 USDT threshold. That is what the system is for… to generate profit. The referral program is also surprisingly lucrative. Use the system to build your account up. See the help videos below as needed for instructions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is not established how tolerant COTPS is of people using robots to automate their process. Obviously, if you own a business, you have the right to hire people to do the work for you. That means that you should also have the right to hire a piece of software to do work for you. I would suggest against contacting COTPS and telling them that you are using robots. I’m sure they would be entirely opposed to people runnings mass numbers of accounts all with one central robot. Why they would have any issue with an individual business owner using software to automate office tasks, I cannot image. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEIR REAL POSITION IS ON THIS. BY USING ANY AUTOMATION WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY OF THE BOTS THAT YOU CAN GET VIA THIS PAGE YOU AGREE THAT ALL RISK FOR AND DAMAGES THAT MAY RESULT, IF ANY, ARE ENTIRELY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND THAT YOU HOLD HARMLESS ALAN COSENS, HOMEPRENEUR.NET, AND COTPS FOR ANY SUCH DAMAGES, WHETHER REAL OR PERCEIVED..

Here is an 11-minute video I created as a brief intro to what COTPS is, which you can share with your contacts. It is not branded to me. It’s not on my YT channel. It has no links attached to it in any way. Use it as you choose as long as you don’t edit it. You can download it and put it on your own channel if you like. You can embed it into a website with a “Join Now” button, etc.

Here is an 8-minute video illustrating the power of the COTPS referral compensation plan:

Click Here to get to the Youtube version of this video.

Click Here to get to the Vimeo version. You can download this video for your own use by clicking download icon (downward arrow) under the video.

*DISCLAIMER* Any and all liability for risks resulting from investment transactions or other asset dispositions carried out by the customer based on information received or market analysis is expressly excluded by me. All the information made available here is generally provided to serve as an example only, without obligation and without specific recommendations for action. It does not constitute and cannot replace investment advice. I, therefore, recommend that you contact your personal financial advisor before carrying out specific transactions and investments.
In view of the high risks, you should only carry out such transactions if you understand the nature of the contracts (and contractual relationships) you are entering into and if you are able to fully assess the extent of your risk potential. Trading with futures, options, forex, CFDs, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and similar financial instruments is not suitable for many people. You should carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you based on your experience, your objectives, your financial situation, and other relevant circumstances. Past performance gives no indication of future results, and I am in no way insinuating or promising any guarantees or results.